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Dear Voter,

Welcome to! We know how hard it is to sift through so much information. That's why we came up with a go-to source for straightforward and unbiased insights into Sint Maarten's election process.
We're here to cut through the clutter, offering you a no-nonsense breakdown of the governmental structure, election rules, and timelines.

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Explore party manifestos for a snapshot of each group's vision. At, we believe in keeping it simple and clear, so you can navigate the ins and outs of Sint Maarten's elections with ease.

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ABOUT Voting on Sint Maarten
Sint Maarten's Governmental Structure

Sint Maarten is a constituent country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, with a governmental and electoral structure characterized by a parliamentary system.

The government (executive branch) is drawn from the Parliament (legislative branch).

The parliament of Sint Maarten, known as the "States of Sint Maarten," is the highest legislative body. Members of Parliament (MPs) are elected by the citizens through a general election. The number of seats are subject to change based on the population, but have remained at 15 members. 

The Council of Ministers, led by the Prime Minister, makes up the executive branch. Ministers are typically selected from the elected Members of Parliament and are responsible for specific portfolios like:


  • General Affairs (Prime Minister and Minister of General Affairs)

  • Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Environment and Infrastructure (Minister of VROMI)

  • Finance (Minister of Finance)

  • Education, Culture, Youth and Sport (Minister of ECYS)

  • Justice (Minister of Justice) 

  • Public Health, Social Development and Labor (Minister of VSA)

  • Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunication (Minister of TEATT)

The head of state for Sint Maarten is the Dutch monarch, represented by a Governor appointed by the monarch. The Governor sits a 5-year term, with a possibility for two terms, and is responsible for signing off on National Decrees; executive authority is exercised by the Council of Ministers.


The parliament is the highest legislative body of country Sint Maarten and represents the entire population of the Dutch side of the island.  The parliament consists of 15 members who are elected for a four-year period.  

The session year of parliament starts on the second Tuesday of September. During this session, the Governor gives an explanation of the policy to be pursued by the government.


The parliament elects a President and Deputy President from its own numbers. The President of Parliament opens and closes the session year of the Parliament.


Role and Function of Parliament:


The two most important tasks of parliament is to make legislation a reality for Sint Maarten, and secondly, to exercise control over Government’s policy. Under the first task, Parliament exercises this task together with Government, so Parliament is called the co-legislator.

In order to carry out the aforementioned, the Parliament has a number of powers that allows it to fulfill its two tasks:

  • ​The right to approve and amend the country's budget;

  • The right of interpellation, where each Member of Parliament (MP) has the right to question ministers of government in the General Assembly of Parliament;

  • The right of initiative allows MPs to submit draft laws on their own initiative;

  • The right to amendment, allows MPs to change legislation that has been submitted to Parliament;

  • The right to ask questions, every MP can question a Minister verbally or in writing;

  • The right to instigate inquiries allows parliament to probe into the state of affairs in an event where Government is involved.


Please visit the Official Website of Parliament​ for more information.

Electoral Council

The Electoral Council is crucial for the country's election process. The council's job is to make sure political parties follow the rules on registration and funding. It operates independently, like the other High Councils of State.

The names of the Electoral Council are as follows:

  • Mr.  R.F. Gibson, Jr          (chairperson)

  • Ms.  N. de la Rosa            (vice-chair)

  • ​Mrs. S. Sandiford             (treasurer)

  • Mrs. I. Franca                   (substitute-member)

  • Mr. A. Bell                         (substitute-member)

Electoral Process

Elections in Sint Maarten are held periodically (4 years) to elect 15 members of the Parliament. A slate is the full list of all the candidates on a political party, which can be as few as one candidate representing a full political party. 


The political party or coalition with a majority of seats (8 or above) typically forms the government, and the leader of that political party becomes the Prime Minister.

Central Voting Bureau

The Central Voting Bureau, set up by the Government, handles voting and election procedures as laid out in the Electoral Ordinance. Operating independently from Parliament and the Government, its main job is to make sure the entire election process — from nominations and voting to deciding the results — follows the laws in place.


The appointed members and substitute members are:

  • Nathalie Tackling – Chairlady

  • Sandy Offringa – Vice Chairlady / Member

  • Mercedez James – Member

  • Ingrid Arrindell – Member

  • Mario Gumbs – Substitute member

  • Carla Vlaun – Substitute member​


Members and alternates were appointed for seven years by National Decree, and were picked for their know-how and background. They were approved based on the nomination committee, headed by the president of the Joint Court of Justice of Aruba, Curacao, Sint Maarten, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba, plus the Vice-Chair of the Council of Advice and the Chair of the General Audit Chamber.



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